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poetry is not easy to understand for any ordinary mind. because in it the presence of GOD love The Sufi way is one that is accepting (not just tolerant) of all other religions . we cant learn it in any class or school. its a love when person forget his self in the love of GOD like Bullay Shah said 
"I know not who I am"
" ki janan main kon"
Its based on philosophy that seeks the destruction of self-identity.
Sufism is the name of strongly belief, spirits (Ruh) of the righteous, total and complete obedience, the way to get closer to Allah.....ki janan main kon to understand this line need to go in depth of these words.
Bulleh Shah himself became a respected scholar, but he longed for true inner realization. 

Bullay Shah real name was Abdullah Shah, was a Punjabi Muslim Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher.

An artistic depiction of Bulleh Shah
Spiritual Poet
Born 1680 C.E.
Uch, Punjab
Died 1757 C.E.(aged 77)
Martial State Unmarried
Date of URS 10 of SpringTime, Dist Kasoor, Division Punjab.

Honored in Islam
Influences Shah Hussain, Sultan Bahu, Shah Sharaf
Influenced Countless Indian Sufi poets
Tradition/Genre Kafi

A large amount of what is known about Bulleh Shah comes through legends, and is subjective; to the point that there isn’t even agreement among historians concerning his precise date and place of birth. Some "facts" about his life have been pieced together from his own writings. Other "facts" seem to have been passed down through oral traditions.
Bulleh Shah practiced the Sufi tradition of Punjabi poetry established by poets like Shah Hussain (1538–1599), Sultan Bahu (1629–1691), and Shah Sharaf (1640–1724).
Bulleh Shah lived in the same period as the Sindhi Sufi poet , Shah Abdul Latif Bhatai (1689–1752). His lifespan also overlapped with the Punjabi poet Waris Shah(1722–1798), of Heer Ranjha fame, and the Sindhi Sufi poet Abdul Wahab (1739–1829), better known by his pen-name, Sachal Sarmast (“truth seeking leader of the intoxicated ones”). Amongst Urdu poets, Bulleh Shah lived 400 miles away from Mir Taqi Mir (1723–1810) of Agra.

 ایک پنجابی صوفی شاعر تھے۔
بلھے شاہ مغلیہ سلطنت کے عالمگیری عہد کی روح کے خلاف رد عمل کانمایاں ترین مظہر ہیں۔ ان کا تعلق صوفیاء کے قادریہ مکتبہ فکر سے تھا۔ ان کی ذہنی نشوونما میں قادریہ کے علاوہ شطاریہ فکر نے بھی نمایاں کردار ادا کیا تھا۔ اسی لئے ان کی شاعری کے باغیانہ فکر کی بعض بنیادی خصوصیات شطاریوں سے مستعار ہیں۔ ایک بزرگ شیخ عنایت اللہ قصوری، محمد علی رضا شطاری کے مرید تھے۔ صوفیانہ مسائل پر گہری نظر رکھتے تھے اور قادریہ سلسلے سے بھی بیعت تھے اس لئے ان کی ذات میں یہ دونوں 
سلسلے مل کر ایک نئی ترکیب کا موجب بنے۔ بلھے شاہ انہی شاہ عنایت کے مرید تھے۔

بلھے شاہ پنجابی دے اک مشہور شاعر نے۔ بلھے شاہ ضلع قصور دے اک پنڈ پانڈو کے وچ سال 1680 وچ جمے۔ اونہاں سے پیو دا ناں شاہ محمد درویش سی۔ بلھے شاہ نوں اپنے ٹبر وچوں اپنی بھین نال بڑا پیار سی۔ بلھے شاہ نے ابتدائی تعلیم اپنے پیو کولوں حاصل کیتی تے جہدے مگروں اگے ودھ پڑھن خاطر اونھاں نوں قصور گھلیا گیا جتھے 
اونہاں دے استاد غلام مرتضی تے محی الدین سن۔ شاہ عنایات بلھے شاہ دے مرشد کامل سن۔ آپ1785ء وچ فوت ھوۓ۔


Shah Lateef

Born Friday November 18, 1689 (6 Safar 1101 A.H.)Sui-Qandar (BhitShah)Hala,     
        Sindh (Modern DayPakistan)
Died Saturday January 1, 1752 (14 Safar 1165 A.H.)Bhit Shah
Honored in  Islam, Hinduism
Influence     Prophets of Islam, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi,Attār,Sa'di
Influenced   Countless Pakistani Sufipoets including Sachal Sarmast
Tradition/Genre  Poetry

According to most scholars, Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai's lineage goes back to the Khwarizim Shahs, others claim he was a descendant of Mohammad and grandson of Mohammad. He however used the term "Shah" as a surname.
His ancestors had come from Herat in Afghanistan to Sindh, after it was sacked by Timur and his Mongol forces. Shah Abdul Karim Bulri (1600s), whose mausoleum stands at Bulri, about 40 miles from Hyderabad, a mystic Sufi poet of considerable repute, was his great, great grandfather. His verses in Sindhi are existent and his anniversary is still held at Bulri, in the form of an Urs.
His father Syed Habib Shah, lived in Hala Haveli, a small village, at a distance of about forty miles from Matiari and not far from the village of Bhitshah. Later he left this place and moved to Kotri, where Shah Latif spent some part of his adolescent life.



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