Sep 12, 2011

Enough of learning, my friend!

Enough of learning, my friend! 

To It there is never an end. 
An alphabet should do ror you, 
It's enough to help you fend. 
You've amased much learning around. 
The Quran and its commentaries profound. 
There is darkness amidst lighted ground. 
Wilhoullhe guide you remain unsound. 
Learning makes you Sheikh or his minion. 
And thus you creat problems trUlion. 
You exploit other who know not what, 
Misleading them with wild opinlon. 
You meditate and you say your prayers, 
You go and shout at the top of the stairs. 
Your cry reaching the high skies. 
It's your avarice which ever. belies. 
The day I learpl love's lesson. 
I plunged ito the river of divine passion; 
An overwhelming gale, I was 
confounded and lost 
When Shah Inaya! cutssd me across. 

Translated by K.S Duggal 

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