Sep 12, 2011

I am emancipated,

I am emancipated, 

I am emancipated, emancipated I am. 
I am neither a patient nor a physician. 
Neither a believer nor a non - believer. 
I am no prisoner of being born a Syed. 
All the fourteen heavens are my 
I am a slave of none. 
A liberated creature, 
I am above good and evil. 
why ask Bulleh's caste? 
No mortal, he was not even born. 
I am emancipated, emancipated I am. 
Pour not on prayers, forget the fasts 
Wipe off Kalma from your sight; 
Bulleh has found his lover within 
Others groupe in the pitch - dark night. 

Translated by: K. S. Duggal 

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