Sep 12, 2011

A bewildering streak of love!

A bewildering streak of love! 

A bewildering streak of love! 
I shout from the top of my house, 
NObody should fall in love's snare. 
Don't you ever be deceived by it, 
You'll find shelter neither here nor there. 
HeaVing given a glimpse he goes his way, 
It'll be like noose and no more, 
He is always found too callous to care 
I met my thug in the town of Lahore. ' 
The lover remains quiet. 
Lost, as if drunk with elixir. 
Entaingled in the sweetheart's 
tressesNone can help him there. 
Asks Sulleh, who has seen the Lord? 
He Who has seen Him, bears no record. 
He has no colour, features or complexion 
He must be the thief.if! mistake not. 
A beWildering streak of lovel 

Translated by: S.K Daggal

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