Oct 18, 2011

Shah latif (kalyan 2)

Shah latif (kalyan 2)

Oh heart! and now make this your aim “stay with them,
and be safe from wounds” 23 As long there is no need, so long
physician is not here...
But when one day pain does appear
it is as though the leech had come!
24 They read and read, but what they read
their hearts refuse to store-
The more they pages turn, the more
are deeply steeped in sin.
25 O friend, why are you still inclined
to waste paper and ink-
Go rather forth and try to find
the source where words were formed.
26 The world with ‘I’ doth overflow
and with it flaunts about-
But its own ‘Self’ it doth not know...
‘t is a migician’s spell.
27 They do not heed the glorious line
that does begin with ‘A’-
In vain they look for the Divine,
though page on page they turn.
28 You only read the letter ‘A’-
all other pages put aside-
Book-reading nothing will convey-
but your being purify.
Unuttered is unknown...the uttered
is never understood....behold,
Although it be as true as gold,
humanity takes never note.-
30 By ‘giving’ they were hurt,-’not giving’
to them contentment brought-
So they became sufis, as nought
they did take with themselves.
31 To hear vile words, and not return,
but hear them silently;
This is the pearl, most precious pearl,
we in guide’s teaching see-
But decked with jewels he will be
who with ‘Silence’ the Ego kills.
32 Those who never forgot the sorrow,
and lesson learnt of woe-
The slate of thought within both hands;
‘silence’ they study so-
They only read page which does show
Beloved’s lovely face.
33 Patience, humanity adopt,
For anger is disease-
Forbearance bringeth joy and ‘peace’,
if you would understand.
34 The inoffensive don’t offend forget who do offend-
In this refined and cultured way
thy day and night do spend
Thus meditating, humbly walk,
until thy life doth end-
A Lawyer keep within, O friend,
to blush not, facing judge.
35 As long as of this daily world
no glimpses you obtain-
A perfect view you will notgain
of your love Heavenly.
36 True lovers never will forget
their love Divine, until one day
Their final breath will pass away
as tearful sigh

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