Oct 18, 2011

kalyaan (peace)

kalyaan (peace)

The One Creator, the all greats;
Lord of the universe-
The living, the original;
Ruler with power innate;
The giver, the sustainer,
the unique , compassionate;
This master praise, to Him alone
thyself in praise prostrate..
The generous, who does create
the universe in pairs..
2 None shares His glory, “He was..is,
shall be”..who this doth say
Accepts Mohammad as ‘guide’
with heart and love’s true sway;
None from amongst those lost their way
or ever went astray.
3 “He is without a partner” , when
this glorious news you break-
With love and knowledge, Mohammad
accept ..as cause him take
Why would you then obeisance make
to others after that?4
From One, many to being came;
‘many’ but Oneness is;
Don’t get confounded, Reality
is ‘One’ , this truth don’t miss-
Commotions vast diplay- all this
I vow, of Loved-one is.
The Echo and the call are same,
if you sound’s secret knew-
They both were one, but two became
only when ‘hearing’ came.
6 A thousand doors and windows too,
the palace has ..but see,
Wherever I might go or be
master confronts me there
7 If you have learnt to long, by pain
be not distressed-
Secret of love’s sorrow must be
never confessed-
Suffering is by the heart caressed,
and there it is preserved.
8 The poison-drinking lovers, lured
by poison sweet, drink more and more;
To bitterness of fatal cup,
the poison-drinkers are innured,
Though wounds are festering, and uncured,
no whispers to the vulgar goes.
9 All from Belved’s side is sweet
whate’er He gives to you.
There is no bitter, if you knew
the secret how to taste.
10 There is a call to gallow, friends,
will any of you go!
Those who do talk of love may Know
to gallows they must speed. 11 If you a draught desire
to tavern find your way;
Thy head do sever, and that head
beside the barrel lay;
Onlywhen you this price do pay
then few cupe you may quaff.
12 The genuine lover, for his head
care and concern has none;
He cuts it off---joins it with breath
as gift then hends it on ;
Carves down to shoulders, forem loved-one
then begs for love’s return.
13 To guard and to preservethe head,
the lover,s business is not this---
One of beloved’s glance is worth
so many hundreds head of his---
Flesh, skinand bone, and all there is ,
the ‘least ‘ of loved-one , equals not.

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