Oct 21, 2011

I’m going together with Jogi

Main Jana Jogi De Naal

Going to Makkah is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of prayers are offered
Going to River Ganges is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of cleansing (Baptisms) are done
Going to Gaya is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of worships are done
Bulleh Shah the ultimate is
When the “I” is removed from the heart
[He] Read a lot and became a scholar
But [he] never read himself
[He] goes enters into the temple & mosque
But [he] never entered into his own heart
He fights with the devil every day for nothing
He never wrestled with his own ego
Bulleh Shah he grabs for heavenly flying things
But doesn’t grasp the one who’s sitting at home
Religious scholars stay awake at night
But dogs stay awake at night, higher than you
They don’t cease from barking at night
Then they go sleep in yards, higher than you
They [dogs] don’t leave the beloved’s doorstep
Even if they’re beaten hundreds of times, higher than you
Bulleh Shah get up and make up with the beloved
Otherwise dogs will win the contest, better than you
O friends, don’t call Ranjha a shepherd
I shy away from calling him a shepherd
I am like a thousand Heers to him
Who am I, like countless others
He’s the ruler of Hazara’s throne
And I am forever the plain Heer
Bulleh Shah may God hear my wail
And I’ll become shepherded by the Shepherd
Ranjha became a Jogi and arrived
He exchanged into a unique disguise
He changed his name from Ahad (One God) to Ahmad (Prophet Mohammad PBUH)
I’m going together with Jogi
Someone’s with someone else, this one’s with that one
I’m together with Jogi
Since I have become Jogi’s
I have no “I” left in me
Repeating Ranjha Ranjha
I became Ranjha myself
Call me Ranjha
Nobody call me Heer
It’s not me, it’s he himself
He amuses his own self
The one with whom I connected my heart
I became just like him, O friends
Jogi is with me
I am with Jogi
I’m going together with Jogi
After putting earrings in my ears
and decorating my forehead with Tilak
Hey he’s not [a] Jogi
He’s some form of God
He’s disguised as Jogi
This Jogi has attracted me
This Jogi has established residence in my heart
I swear by the Quran it’s true
Jogi is my belief and faith
This Jogi has marked me
Hey I belong to him
Now I’m not worth any one else (Now there’s no other Jogi)
I’m floating, I’ve drifted across, O people
My eyes inter-meshed with Jogi’s, O people
Call me Jogi’s female Jogi
Heer is dead, O people
In Khayrray they have deep talks
I have to listen to accusations about
I don’t know anything about anyone else
If I know anything, I only know Jogi
No one has attained what he has attained
His shadow is on both worlds
His fame is celebrated in both world
His shoes were kissed by Heaven
This Jogi is full of wonders
In his hand is the rosary of “There is Nothing But One God”
Hey, his name is [Mohammad] “The One With The Shawl”
If Jogi comes to my home
All your fights will end
I will embrace him
And celebrate a million praises
Bulleh Shah a Jogi came
To our door….(… ?… )
He stole away Heer of Sayal
He came in a disguise

translation by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan

Oct 19, 2011

Do come to me

Do come to me

You may not take notice of me
But do come to me

I am a sacrifice unto you
Do come to me

I’ve looked around in fields and forest
There is none like you
Do come to me

Cowherd you are to others
You are my faith, my beau
Do come to me

Leaving my parents, I am tied to you,
Oh Shah Inayat, my beloved teacher
Do come to me

Bulleh enterd the great palace
And had a spledid treat
What have we gained in the world
A black face and blue feet?

Translated by  K.S Duggal

I must utter what comes to my lips.

I must utter what comes to my lips.
Speaking the truth creates chaos.
Telling a lie saves one scarce.
I am afraid of both these.
Afraid I am both here and there.

I must utter what comes to my lips.
He who has this secret known.
He must peep into his own
Lives He in the shrine of peace
Where there are no ups and downs
I must utter what comes to my lips.
It is indeed a slippery park.
I take precautions in the dark
De inside and see for yourself
Why this wild search afar?
I must utter what comes to my lips.
It is a matter of good form
A norm to which we all conform
It’s God in every soul you see
If he is in me why not in you?
I must utter what comes to my lips.
(Says Bulleh) the master is not far from me
Without him there none could be
That explains the suffering and pain
But mine is not the eye to see
I must say what comes to my lips.

Translated by: K.S Duggal

Sorath-IV (King and Minstrel)

Sorath-IV (King and Minstrel)

The minstrel came to Junagarh
and here took out his lyre;
With his entrancing melodies
he did all hearts inspire;
With his bewitching magic-strings
he set whole town on fire-
But palace-servants, princesses,
were struck with anguish dire;
“That Raja’s head was bard’s desire,
lute spoke in accents clear.”

The bard at though a living string
played with humility;
The Raja in his palace fine,
to hear him did agree;
He mercifully called him in,
and met him graciously-
Then prince and bard, one harmony,
one single ‘self’ became!

“I travelled many foreign lands,
and have arrived today;
Poor minstrel I, no tresures crave
but for your life I pray-
To win this favour, let me play,
Oh Sir, the time is short.-”

“Leaving all other doors, O king
I wandered to your door!
Blest Sorth’s husband, see my need
a beggar doth implore,
His empty apron fill once more 
and happiness restore!”

The king sat on his glistening dais,
the bard below him played;
The faintest note of music sweet
up to the Raja sped-
To private folks that could not come
the minstrel too was led;-
Fine horses were produced, rare gems,
before the bard were spread,
Who said: “no wealth like this, but head
of Raja do I claim!”

No jewels can the mistrel please
no wealth, no property-
From riches and from great rewards
His only wish is, near to be
the giver of this wealth.

prince said: “I’ll gladly sacrifice
My head for thee O Bard,
Although this is a small reward
For all thy music’s worth...

“Were I to own a hundred heads
And weigh them with thy strings-
Behold the scale, how down it swings
On side of strings divine!

“O Friend, my head is only bone:
An empty, empty bone-
If thousand heads my neck would own
I’ll cut them all for thee!”

The strings, the dagger and the neck
were reconciled all thee-
King said: “nought is so lovely than
your wish to come to me,
My head you craved...most heartily
I do thank God for that...”

“But singer, it astounded me,
That while you played your strain.
How could its sweetness you survive
And could alive remain?
Last night, my being all in twain
was by your music cut.”

The flower of Girnar plucked;
The town is plunged in mourn and pain,
Hundreds like Sorath stand and raise
Their lamentations all in vain-
The minstrel, holding lock, receives
The prince’s head adorned again-
While virgins chant the sad refrain;
“Last night the Raja passed away.”

Sorath is dead; and all is peace-
Ruler removed his tents-
There are no singings and no shows,
no tuneful elementss.-
And after this, artist presents
The head again to king!

Sorath is dead, and all is peace
Raja pitches his tents;
Music is heard again...the show
goes on with merriments-
Echo sounds song’s sweet sentiments...
Behold, the happy king!

Oct 18, 2011

kalyaan (peace)

kalyaan (peace)

The One Creator, the all greats;
Lord of the universe-
The living, the original;
Ruler with power innate;
The giver, the sustainer,
the unique , compassionate;
This master praise, to Him alone
thyself in praise prostrate..
The generous, who does create
the universe in pairs..
2 None shares His glory, “He was..is,
shall be”..who this doth say
Accepts Mohammad as ‘guide’
with heart and love’s true sway;
None from amongst those lost their way
or ever went astray.
3 “He is without a partner” , when
this glorious news you break-
With love and knowledge, Mohammad
accept ..as cause him take
Why would you then obeisance make
to others after that?4
From One, many to being came;
‘many’ but Oneness is;
Don’t get confounded, Reality
is ‘One’ , this truth don’t miss-
Commotions vast diplay- all this
I vow, of Loved-one is.
The Echo and the call are same,
if you sound’s secret knew-
They both were one, but two became
only when ‘hearing’ came.
6 A thousand doors and windows too,
the palace has ..but see,
Wherever I might go or be
master confronts me there
7 If you have learnt to long, by pain
be not distressed-
Secret of love’s sorrow must be
never confessed-
Suffering is by the heart caressed,
and there it is preserved.
8 The poison-drinking lovers, lured
by poison sweet, drink more and more;
To bitterness of fatal cup,
the poison-drinkers are innured,
Though wounds are festering, and uncured,
no whispers to the vulgar goes.
9 All from Belved’s side is sweet
whate’er He gives to you.
There is no bitter, if you knew
the secret how to taste.
10 There is a call to gallow, friends,
will any of you go!
Those who do talk of love may Know
to gallows they must speed. 11 If you a draught desire
to tavern find your way;
Thy head do sever, and that head
beside the barrel lay;
Onlywhen you this price do pay
then few cupe you may quaff.
12 The genuine lover, for his head
care and concern has none;
He cuts it off---joins it with breath
as gift then hends it on ;
Carves down to shoulders, forem loved-one
then begs for love’s return.
13 To guard and to preservethe head,
the lover,s business is not this---
One of beloved’s glance is worth
so many hundreds head of his---
Flesh, skinand bone, and all there is ,
the ‘least ‘ of loved-one , equals not.

Shah latif (kalyan 2)

Shah latif (kalyan 2)

Oh heart! and now make this your aim “stay with them,
and be safe from wounds” 23 As long there is no need, so long
physician is not here...
But when one day pain does appear
it is as though the leech had come!
24 They read and read, but what they read
their hearts refuse to store-
The more they pages turn, the more
are deeply steeped in sin.
25 O friend, why are you still inclined
to waste paper and ink-
Go rather forth and try to find
the source where words were formed.
26 The world with ‘I’ doth overflow
and with it flaunts about-
But its own ‘Self’ it doth not know...
‘t is a migician’s spell.
27 They do not heed the glorious line
that does begin with ‘A’-
In vain they look for the Divine,
though page on page they turn.
28 You only read the letter ‘A’-
all other pages put aside-
Book-reading nothing will convey-
but your being purify.
Unuttered is unknown...the uttered
is never understood....behold,
Although it be as true as gold,
humanity takes never note.-
30 By ‘giving’ they were hurt,-’not giving’
to them contentment brought-
So they became sufis, as nought
they did take with themselves.
31 To hear vile words, and not return,
but hear them silently;
This is the pearl, most precious pearl,
we in guide’s teaching see-
But decked with jewels he will be
who with ‘Silence’ the Ego kills.
32 Those who never forgot the sorrow,
and lesson learnt of woe-
The slate of thought within both hands;
‘silence’ they study so-
They only read page which does show
Beloved’s lovely face.
33 Patience, humanity adopt,
For anger is disease-
Forbearance bringeth joy and ‘peace’,
if you would understand.
34 The inoffensive don’t offend forget who do offend-
In this refined and cultured way
thy day and night do spend
Thus meditating, humbly walk,
until thy life doth end-
A Lawyer keep within, O friend,
to blush not, facing judge.
35 As long as of this daily world
no glimpses you obtain-
A perfect view you will notgain
of your love Heavenly.
36 True lovers never will forget
their love Divine, until one day
Their final breath will pass away
as tearful sigh

Khambat-III (Haven)

Khambat-III (Haven) 

1 A moolit night, an open plain,
and so for yet to go;
My camel look not back, for you
‘t is shame to waver so;
Be steady, resolute, and show
my loved-ones you can reach
2 O full moon! though you rise adorned,
your beauty to enhance;
You are not a blink worth of my love
With all charms you advance,
Since your whole being but one glance
of the Beloved is.
3 A hundred suns may rise, and blaze
four score-four moons may shine;
I vow, without Beloved mine
I am in darkest night
4 O moon, by magic fade away;
may you be shorn of light-
Or hide yourself so that I might
the soul’s Beloved meet.
5 In darkest midnight, the Beloved
shows himself so clear;
the moon and pleiades disappear
yea, like an echo mere.
6 O moon, cast first thy silver-ray
on the Beloved when you rise;
And for thy Maker’s sake, O moon
message of helpless one convey;
“My hopeful longing eyes, thy way
with tears are watching everyday.”
7 O moon, the moment that you rise
first glance at the Beloved cast
Say to the dear one: I am sick
In you my only comfort lies
“My hopeful and relying eyes
Are ever set expecting you”
8 O moon, when you ascend the skies
first glance at the Beloved cast
My message to the friend convey
Correctly all, and all precise
“M y hopeful and relying eyes
are ever set expecting thee”
9 Rise moon, see the Beloved-thou
art near and far am I
Presence of Him in scented dews
I feel, that in night doth lie-
On foot I cannot reach and
father gives camel can’t supply
On which riding, ere dawn draws nigh
I easily could reach.
10 I shall die longing, love is kind
but Oh...so far is He
Father gives camel not to me-
I am too weak to walk.
11 To the Beloved, when you rise
O moon, thy very first glance send;
And all the message I give
O moon, convey in truthful wise;
“My hopeful and relying eyes
are ever set expecting you.”
12 Thy glance let the Beloved meet,
O moon, and my requests submit
Befittingly; above courtyard
of the Beloved bow and greet;
Speak gently...on Beloved’s feet
both of thy light-hands softly lay.
13 O moon, all my entreaties safe
into thy shining garment tie,
Low’ring your head, to loved one tell
in what a wretched state am I;
Remember; to the place you hie
That is whole universe’s Hope.
14 O camel! spurn thy slothful mood-
No longer now delay!
But once unite me with my love
no more the truant play,
But speed, ere night doth pass away
to meet my love after.
15 I must go where my love resides;
to the Beloved speed!
There I shall give thee sandal-wood
and thou shalt no more feed
On salt-bush coarse, unfit for thee
or any worthless weed;
O hasten! there is urgent need
to reach while night doth last.
Arise and take a forward step-
be not an idler base;
The highway to my love is straight
and hath no winding ways...
Self-pity drop...a gallop raise
to bring us swift and soon.
17 Remember your ancestry, and
your forebear’s noble breed;
Your stock is well-known near and far
and you do hold indeed;
Rare pedigree-and so we plead
show us some kindness now.
18 I bound him near some glorious tree
that he some buds might eat;
Ill-mannered camel, on the sly
still finds the salt-bush sweet.
Woe’s me-I know not how to treat
Camel that so confounds.
19 I tried to saddle him, but e’en
unsaddled he’d not rise-
The way the herd is gone, he lies
and only gapes that side.
20 My camel, I will give thee reins
of gold, and trappings fine;
Not only buds of sandal wood
but thou on myrth shalt dine;
If to the one Beloved mine
thou wilt bring me this night.
and all his arduous madness flies. 
Good animal, what you did put
your teeth in, finding them so sweet;
These baneful creepers if you eat
will bring you yet to grief and woe.
27 Torrents of rain and wind-camel
there obstinate he lies-
How shall I saddle him when rise
unsaddled he will not.
28 A solid braided rope construct,
with this your camel blind,
The frgrant creepers everywhere
all over grounds you’ll find,
Once tasted, he will leave behind
all else, if he’s not tied.
29 I fettered him with rope and chain,
but shackles were in vain;
He broke them all, and dragged them on
where creepers decked the plain-
O God, put sence and understanding
in this camel’s brain
With mercy free him from this pain
to rise above this curse.
30 O rise, and to thy haven far
thy earthbound glances bear,
May be a happy welcome there
awaits thee from thy love.
No-go and schackle him, he will
run wild if left alone;
By temting him to cat, he’ll play
more pranks, but won’t alone;
Load him and let him graze and groan
with heavy fetters bound.
32 Who laid a spell on you? and who
waylaid you, wished you ill?
Blinkers you wear-your soles rubbed off-
your kind not meet you will;
And round and round, as in a mill
you circumambulate.
33 My comely camel, won’t you eat
the sandal wood and drink your fill
Of cleanest purest water, food
the finest you refuse it still-
What law gave you the tasty thrill
of salt-bush mere, above all else?
34 At last my camel every day
is browsing in that garden, where
Two tree-shoots are worth millions there
handful of leaves are thousands worth.
35 Two tree-shoots are worth millions...nay
one leaf alone five lakhs will be-
Now to enrich his soul he eats,
the wholesome blossoms of this tree-
Here e’en a withered leaf we see
is many, many hundreds worth.
My lakhs-worth camel, that I bought
for hundreds, beautiful became
For any eye to see; don’t blame
and say too dearly he was bought.
37 My invaluable camel, friend,
no praise is now for him too high;
His manager fill with cardamoms
then saddle him, and he will fly,
All distance he will defy,
and here and now the Loved-one reach

The earth works miracles.

The earth works miracles

The earth works miracles. 
Dressed in earth, the earthly rider 
Sits on a hourse of earth; 
The earth makes the earth run 
And the earth takes an earthely turn. 
The earth attacks the earth, 
Charging with the weapon of earth. 
He who is more earthly 
Prides on his earthly girth. 
The gardens and orchards are of earth, 
Earth is reflected in flower - beds. 
The earth has come to withness earth, 
The glQry thatthe earth does shed. 
Bulleh! Try and solve the riddle, 
The earth works many a miracle 
o which there is never a dearth. 
Bulleh! Let's go to our friend's slaughter 
- house 
Where thy kill and cut. 
They prefer there the well - fed goats, 
You better remain frail and under - fed. 

Translated by K. S Duggal 

Oct 17, 2011


Drench yourself in wine and feast on roasted flesh, roasting in the fires flaming out of the bones. O Bulleha, break into the house of God and swindle the cheat of cheats.

Perverse times have come

Perverse times have come

Perverse times have come,
I know the mystery of the beloved
crows have begun to hunt hawks,
and sparrows feed on falcons
horses bear the whipping,
while donkeys graze on lush green
no love is lost between relatives,
be they younger or elder uncles
There is no accord between fathers and sons,
Nor any between mothers and daughters
The truthful ones are being pushed about,
the tricksters are seated close by
The front liners have become wretched,
the back benchers sit on carpets
Those in tatters have turned into kings,
the kings have taken to begging
O Bulleh, that which is His command
who can alter His decree.

The soil is in ferment, O friend

The soil is in ferment, O friend

The soil is in ferment, O friend
Behold the diversity.
The soil is the horse, so is the rider
The soil chases the soil, and we hear the clanging of soil
The soil kills the soil, with weapons of the soil.
That soil with more on it, is arrogance
The soil is the garden so is its beauty
The soil admires the soil in all its wondrous forms
After the circle of life is done it returns to the soil
Answer the riddle O Bulleh, and take this burden off my head.

To counsel Bulleh, his sisters and sisters in law have come

To counsel Bulleh, his sisters and sisters in law have come

Pay heed to us and give up mixing with the low caste Araeen

You are a scion of Ali,the Prophet, why must you shame our fair clime.

Those who call me Syed, are destined to hell made for them

Those who call me Araeen, have the swings in heaven laid for them

The low caste and the high caste, are created by God who cares not for family

He regards the beautiful and cherishes the not so comely.

If you wish to enjoy the glory of the Garden, go and serve the Araeen

Why bother about Bulleh’s caste? Obey the command that comes from Saeen

(Translation by K S Duggel)

Seven Seas occupies my heart, I will raise tides from heart

I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved.

I will recite the words of spell and blow towards the Sun to light it.
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved.

Black clouds will be the Kajal of my eyes; I will set fire with my eyebrows.
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved

If I have nothing else to do so I will return and twist my youthful body to attract my beloved.
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved.

Seven Seas occupies my heart, I will raise tides from heart,
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved

I will become lighting in order to terrify and I will thunder like clouds.
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved
Instead of Hermal (seeds) I will throw stars in the stove of Love and I will inflame the fiery Sun.
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved

Neither am I wedded nor will a maiden but I will mother a Son on my lap
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved

By sitting on the path of non material world, I will blow the horn.
I will use enchanting and superstitious tricks to win over my Beloved

I am not caged

I am not caged

Not caged am I
Neither the sick nor the healer
Neither believer nor non-believer
I wander in the seven skies and lands
but none can grasp me in their hands
I am an intoxicated wanderer
beyond vice and virtue
Do not ask Bulle’s identity,
for he was never born, nor ever existed.

Translation by Rupa Abdi

Maybe the Dogs are superior to you!

Maybe the Dogs are superior to you! 

Maybe the Dogs are superior to you! 
You awake up at night to say your prayers
The dogs are awake the whole night throght
Maybe the dogs are superior to you
The dog in the night would never stop howling
Sitting on the dung-hill as they do
Maybe the dogs are superior to you
Norwould they leave their master's door
Even if they are beaten blue
Maybe the dogs are superior to you
Bulleh Shah! it's time you took the cue 
Lets the dogs are superior to you
Maybe the dogs are superior to you 
The pilgrims go to Kaaba
I go to Takht Hazara

My Kaaba is where He dwells,
As all he four books tell.

Translated by : K.S Duggal

Its all in One contained

Mukdi Eh (Its all in One contained)

Understand the one and forget the rest.
Shake off your ways of an apostate pest
Leading to the grave to hell and to torture.
Rid your mind of dreams of disaster.
This is how is the argument maintained.
It’s all in One contained.

What use is it bowing one’s head?
To what avail has prostrating led?
Reading kalam you make them laugh.
Absorbing not a word while the Quran you quaff.
The truth must be here and there sustained.
It’s all in One contained.

Some retire to the jungles in vain.
Others restrict their meals to a grain.
Misled they waste away unfed .
And come back home
Emaciated in the ascetic postures feigned.
It’s all in One contained.

Seek you master, say your prayers and surrender to God

It will lead you to mystic abandon
And help you to get attuned to the Lord.
It’s the truth that Bulleh has gained.
It’s all in One contained.

(Translation by K S Duggal)

Let us go O Bullah

Let us go O Bullah

let us go then you and I
to the kingdom of the blind;
where none debates our caste or creed
none respect us thus.

This transient world
is neither thine nor mine;
all is finite
why then this quarrel
this contest
for all is ephemeral there in.

Mullah and the torch bearer
are both alike,
professing to light the path for others
themselves dwell in darkness.

(from Kalaam Bulleh Shah printed by Pakistan International Printers, Lahore )

Strange are the times!

Strange are the times!

Crows swoop on hawks
Sparrows do eagles stalk
Strange are the times!

The Iraqis are despised
While the donkeys are prized
Strange are the times!

Those with coarse blankets are kings;
The erstwhile kings watch them from the ring.
Strange are the times!

Its not without reason or rhyme,
Strange are the times

Says Bulleh, kill your ego
And throw away your pride.
You need to forget yourself
To find Him by your side.

Come my Love, take care of me

Come my Love, take care of me

Come my Love, take care of me,
I am in great agony.
Ever separated, my dreams are dreary,
Looking for you, my eyes are weary.
All alone I am robbed in a desert,
Waylaid by a bunch of waywards.

The Mulla and Qazi show me the way,
Their maze of dharma that is in sway.
They are the confirmed thieves of time.
They spread their net of saintly crime.

Their time-worn norms are seldom right,
With these they chain my feet so tight!
My love cares not for caste or creed.
To the ritual faith I pay no head.

My Master lives on yonder bank
While I am caught in the gale of greed.
With his boat at anchor, He stands in wait,
I must hasten I can’t be late.

Bulleh Shah must find his love,
He needn’t have the least fright.
His Love is around, yet he looks for him
Misled in the broad daylight.

Come my love take care of me,
I am in great agony.

Who I am

Who I am

I know not who I am,
I am neither a believer going to the mosque
Nor given to non-believing ways.
Neither clean nor unclean,
Neither Moses nor Pharaoh.
I know not who I am.

I am neither among sinners nor among saints,
Neither happy nor unhappy,
I belong neither to water nor to earth.
I am neither fire nor air,
I know not who I am.

Neither do I know the secret of religion,
Nor am I born of Adam and Eve.
I have given myself no name,
I belong neither to those who squat and pray,
Nor to those who have gone astray.
I know not who I am.

I was in the beginning; I’d be there in the end.
I know not any one other than the One.
Who could be wiser than Bulleh Shah
Whose Master is ever there to tend?
I know not who I am.

Sep 12, 2011

The doings of the father and the deeds of my mother

The doings of the father and the deeds of my mother

The doings of the father and the deeds of my mother 
Have earned me a decree. 
Mother and father congenital crooks 
Hae transferred their karma to me. 
Growling over a grain of corn, 
Squabbling and quarrelling in every barn. 
i could get rid of it all 
Only after the corn was gone. 
What a scramble lay in store! 
It was a dubious knock at my door. 
The doings of the father and the deeds 
of my mother 
Have earned me a decree.

A lover of God! 
You'll be slandered no end. 
They'll call you Kafir, 
You should say - yes, Sir. 

Translated by: K.S.Duggal